lemonade stand — Blog — CookieCrazie

lemonade stand

Pink Yellow Shabby Chic Cookie Collection

Shabby Chic Ruffle Cake Cookies (Tutorial)

Every time I see a cake decorated with ruffles I want to squeal.
I just love the sweet feminine look that those ruffles add to the cake.

In the past, I would never have been able to make ruffles because glaze icing does not allow it.
But now that I have edible clay, I can add a tiny bit of water to it and then I can pipe with it.

Ruffles......here we come!

Use any cake shaped cutter you'd like.
I wanted large fancier cakes on pedestals, so I hand cut both of these shapes.

Outline and flood the pedestal portion of the cookie in the colors and design desired.

The cake part will need a flood coat on the cookie so that 
the edible clay ruffles will adhere to the cookie.

You can do them in white, or in the base colors of the cake.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight with just a base coat.
This way, the heavy clay will not sink into the wet glaze.

Make some edible clay in the cake icing color of choice.
Add a tiny amount of water to the clay to allow you to pipe ruffles without injuring your hand!

For the wide cake, I used these ruffle tips.
The width of these ruffle is tall, so the cookie will need to be fairly large to use them.
As you push the clay through the tip, you'll need to have an 
up and down motion to give it a nice ruffle look.
Repeat this action all the way to the top of the cake as you make horizontal layers of ruffle.

For the tall cake, I tried for an ombre look.
I didn't quite achieve a subtle color change. :(
However, it was fun to change up the ruffles and even do some piped roses on the top of the cake.
Bottom layer ruffles = Wilton #102 tip
Middle layer ruffles = Wilton # 46 tip
Top layer roses = Wilton # 18 tip

Ruffle cakes......I love 'em!

Lemonade 2015 Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 17, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.



CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's been a fun week of being with family.....and then decorating cookies.
I'm nearly done with my autumn/Thanksgiving cookies. haha
I can't tell you how fun it has been to try to come up with some new and fresh ideas for the season.
And we've had awfully hot days here, so thinking autumn has been a bit refreshing. :)

Now I'm gearing up to go on an exciting trip with Julia Usher.
She has invited me to be her assistant as she makes some videos in Brazil.
This will be my first time in the country, so I'm super excited!
And I get to see how the professionals do it.

So this weekend I'll be packing up and preparing for the trip and then we head out next week.
I believe I'll have wifi most of the time I'm gone, so things won't stop in the CookieCrazie world.


Instagram photos for this week:

A happy set of flower bouquet cookies from a couple of years ago.....


Have a refreshing sunny day....

Screaming Ice Cream Cookie Collection from last year.....still makes me smile. :)
#tbt #throwback


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Lemonade 2015 Cookie Collection

I can't seem to get enough of the summer-y lemonade cookie theme.
I did the same theme in similar colors a few years ago.

It was time to revisit the fun shapes and colors.....
adding all the new techniques and mediums learned since then.


Lemonade 2015 Cookie Collection

Lemonade and More Cookie Collection

I receive tons of joy when I decorate cookies......it doesn't really matter what kind.

But occasionally a cookie theme gives me extra pleasure.

This Lemonade and More Cookie Collection definitely fits into that special category.
The theme itself, along with the color scheme was extra fun!!
Every time I look at these cookies, I smile. :)

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