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Gingerbread Christmas Tree Quilt Decorated Cookie Collection

Christmas + Quilts = Bliss
As you can see.....I love both with a passion.
Combining a Christmas theme with a quilt theme must be the ultimate, right?

A few years ago, Ginny of Creative Cookier made this fun tree cutter for me that allows you to make a tessellation. I can't seem to get enough of it. Every year, I look at that cutter and want to make a new set. It's fun to see the different patterns over the years...... side by side.

This year's quilt included burlap molded cookie dough for every other tree. That rustic look gets me every time.

Check out my previous posts on making tessellation cookie sets for tips on how to create a set that fits well together and coordinates best.

Here's some of my previous creations with the tessellation theme.


Christmas Tree Quilt Block Cookies

Keeping with the theme of Christmas and quilts,

I'm excited to introduce you to a new

CookieCrazie Custom Cookie Cutter


It is made by

Creative Cookier

and part of the proceeds of the sale go to my

Ukraine mission effort


This tree quilt block cutter is the perfect shape to building a cute Christmas tree quilt.

It is another tessellation shape that allows for repeat pieces to fit together.

We created an autumn leaf quilt block cutter this fall with the same idea.

 Autumn Leaf Cookie Quilt


I added a little tree trunk cookie to the bottom to complete an actual tree shaped set.

Christmas Quilt Cookies (Tutorial)

Mixing the Christmas and quilt themes into cookies is an awesome combination.
I did this set of cookies two years ago, and I'm just now posting them.
It was a series of uncontrollable events that I'll try to rectify in this moment. :)

This blog post is a compilation of a few ways you can create quilt cookies at Christmas.

We'll start with "puffy" quilts......

To get the billowy puffy "blocks" within a quilt,
start by flooding the main part of the cookie in your color glaze of choice.

After it has dried for at least two hours,
use a square cutter to imprint  the block shapes within the quilt.
(see photo below)

Outline and flood the square shapes with another layer of glaze.
This layer gives it that puffy look.

The boarder of the quilt can be decorated in whatever way you'd like.
For these two quilt cookies, I went with a "lace" like edge.....piping lots of dots and lines.

For a much easier quilt set-up, make several (12-15) cookies of the same size and shape.
Squares and diamonds work well.
Make glaze in 3-4 colors and decorate each shape uniquely.
Try dots, stripes, plaid, snowflakes, holly, trees, etc.

Once they are dry, place them all on a platter together, 
and you have a beautiful Christmas Cookie Quilt. :)

2015 Christmas Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 22, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I survived two weeks of working full time. 
Yeah! I'm so glad that I'm back to "normal".

It has been a fun cookie week.
And I've been able to catch up on lots of other things too.

Now my mind is gearing toward June.
I'll be in Ukraine for 3 weeks....
plus I get to go meet a cookie friend in UK for a mini-vacation.
Am I excited?........YES!!!! weekend.
Family will be here.
I'm looking forward to it. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Lambs with texture....

Patterned spring quartet...

 Patchwork bunny.....

Easter Cookies from last year.....

A wonderful first time visit to World Market with my Jill.
That could be a VERY dangerous store for me!!
But you would be proud of my self control.
I only bought those few items in the basket for $15.
It was tough to resist, though.... lol
 Back to baking..... and I'm excited about this project. Happy place..... :)

Jar of..........We'll see.
Sometimes the amazing idea in your head doesn't come out so well in cookie.
(I guess I'm preparing myself in case it doesn't work out. ;))

It's messy..... But it's working. :)

My jar of jelly beans is coming along. Today brings the final touches. :)

Mini mason jars too..... :)

At last....the lot next to ours shall have a house on it soon.
They started digging yesterday. Now there is a scary big hole right next to our driveway.
I dread the construction mayhem.....actually it has been going on for some time,
just not right next store....but at least there is now an end in sight. :)
 I wanted to make a flower bouquet....


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

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