stamper cutters — Blog — CookieCrazie

stamper cutters

Snowflake Stamper Cookie Cutters (Tutorial)

Snowflakes are such an iconic part of the Christmas season.
It is so wonderful to find a snowflake design that is both beautiful and easy to use!

I'm in love with these snowflake cookie cutter plungers.

There's more than one way to use these cutters.

The simplest way is to use the plungers to make stamped cookies.
After the cookies are cool, make a thinned white glaze and carefully dip the imprinted side into glaze.
The glaze will stick to portions of the cookie, giving it a casual unique look.
Add some white edible glitter for some sparkle.

Two other possibilities......
First, outline and flood the cookie with glaze and allow it to dry for about 4 hours.
Then use the stamp within the plunger to imprint the glaze.

Here's a video on stamping the partially dried glaze:

Finally, paint diluted color gel or silver dust onto the designs of the impression-ed cookies.

2015 Christmas Cookie Collection

Easy Stamper Leaf Cookies (Tutorial)

Stamper cutters are perfect for easy cookies when you can imprint partially-dried glaze with a stamp.

These autumn-themed stamper cutters worked well for this set of cookies.

Znu Cake Leaves Set Plunger and Cutter (green cutters below)
R&M International Assorted Leaves & Acorn Cookie Stamper Set (assorted colors below)

Take the plunger portion off the cutter and cut the cookie dough as shown below.

Once they are baked and cooled, outline and flood each cookie.

Allow them to dry for 4 hours.

Use the stamp portion of the cutter to imprint the partially-dried glaze.

Simple and easy decorating.....

Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection

Easy Mustache Cookies (Tutorial)

Mustaches are one of those raving fads that have continued for a few years now.
In general, they are not very hard cookies to make.
But using a cutter/stamper set makes them super duper easy!

The Cutters/Stampers can be purchased HERE.

Use the cutter part to cut out the cookie dough.
Bake and cool as usual.

Outline and flood the entire cookie in black glaze (or brown, gold or gray).

Allow to dry for about 4 hours.
Press the stamper portion into the partially dried glaze.

And you have an easy-peasy set of mustache cookies.....

Fathers Day 2015 Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 1, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

The cookie decorating class went really well last Saturday.
There were a few kinks.....but was a great time for all.
I learned a lot about teaching and classes.
I've made notes and plan to improve the process in the coming days. :)

This week I'm working on a special project. 
I want to get it completed before I leave for less than TWO weeks now!

Next week I want to make lots of simple cookies (about 150) to take with me to Ukraine.
I love to hand them out all to all the people we encounter while we are there.
Cookies are a HUGE part of my Ukraine ministry,
so it seems only fitting that I would make cookies for the actual mission trip and people we serve. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Isn't it funny how accomplishing a silly thing like a basic comb on a cookie is so thrilling?! :)
C-R-A-Z-I-E for sure.....

Making tons of glaze bullets for tomorrow's decorating class....

Raindrop cookies from 2012.....fitting on this rainy Saturday morning.

Today's class was awesome!Ten amazing students, 4 fun-filled hours (but lightening fast),
fabulous hostess (thanks Jayne), beautiful venue, and non-stop cookie talk.
I'm reminded of how fun it is to be with other cookie people.
I had a blast, and I think all the participants did too. :)

Have a colorful Sunday!

It's graduation time.....
Here's a fun simple grad cap using stacked chocolate cookies done a couple of years ago.
#throwback #graduation

A favorite cookie set...... last year's Mothers Day Breakfast-in-Bed.


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Easy Stamped Baby Cookies (Tutorial)

It's always exciting to find an easy technique that provides a "wow....that's complicated" reaction.

Since glaze allows texturizing after it has partially dried,
these stamper cutters work well to provide easy, yet super cute cookies.
They come in a variety of you'll be seeing more sets of these!

I disassembled the stampers to allow for easier cutting of the cookie dough.
(It's very easy.....just unscrew the knob at the top of the stamper.)

But actually you don't have to disassemble them if that's not desired.
It will mean that your cookies will bake with the imprint in them, but you'll cover it up with glaze.
No problem. :)

Outline and flood the baked cookies with your choice colors of glaze.
Allow them to dry for about 4 hours.
Use the imprint pad (seen below detached from the cutter) to press into the corresponding cookie.

So easy.....and yet so cute.

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

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